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A.M.O.B. Girls Work Too!

All Mentees On Board is committed to empowering our young ladies aged 14-23 by providing comprehensive work-readiness training, career development opportunities, and practical experiences to bridge the gap between education and employment.

All Mentees On Board is dedicated to bridging the gap between education and employment for young professionals and recent graduates. To achieve this, A.M.O.B. has developed a comprehensive employer partnership plan aimed at fostering robust relationships with companies across various industries. The focus is on creating mutually beneficial partnerships that provide mentees with real-world experience while offering employers a pipeline of talented and motivated individuals.


Quarter One

Intro to A.M.O.B. Girls Work

October: Self-Discovery and Career Exploration

November: Professional Skills Development

December: Technical Skills Training

Quarter Two

Work Fundamentals

January: Workplace Etiquette and Professionalism

February: Life Skills Training

March: Career and Future Planning

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Quarter Three

Career Placement, Training & Completion

April: Industry Selection & Training

May: Training & Certifications

June: Evaluation and Completion

Quarter Four

Internship & Job Placement

June/July: Apply & Interview for Jobs

July: Internship and Part Time Job start 

August: Completion of Job Partnership

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